A great table or floor piece for the rustic home look. Fill with cat tails & pheasant feathers all dry floral

Fall & country style floral. Causal floor piece for the living room. Both floral pieces you can buy products from michaels, Walmart, & Ross. Create something with combinations of assorted dry floral.

Compliments of Amanda & Danielle


A personalized sign for the newly weds & their home (last name & the year they were married.)

Please email us for details with placing orders.

Compliments of Danielle. & Amanda

Perfect for the newly wed gift or for the bride & groom chair at the reception.

Compliments of Amanda & Danielle

Add your special date to the sign to personalize it.

Compliments of Amanda & Danielle


Before... Craigslist bargin made into a cozy cottage breakfast nook. Sanded, painted and placed new knobs to fancy it up.

What a huge difference with a little TLC

Compliments of Amanda


Perfect for the shelf or table decoration. We can do a variety of colors but black vintage is our speciality.

Compliments of Amanda & Danielle

Family block letters. Mod podge your favorite scrapbook paper, place your vinyl & spray to seal vinyl. Wood sand prior to placing the facing design. Perfect anywhere is the home where it's seen!


Vinyl project for the wall. Hand cut the antlers used my basic cricut font for the words and stretched them to the size I wanted. You can use brown or black. I used brown to match his room.Can't wait to put these on Layne's wall...

The after matter... Perfect fit for a little boys room

Dress it up boy style with some wall letters! We had a great friend of ours design them if you would like information please let us know.

Compliments of Danielle & Amanda

A simple piggy bank from michaels or target. Pick up your spray from Home Depot let it dry for 24 hrs before adding anything. Fun ribbon I got in the dollar section at michaels. You can get sticky foam letters as well. I would recommend hot glue when placing ribbon to prevent movement.

Mossy Hunting & fishing fabric used for bedding & curtians. I ordered my camo fabric online at realtree.com and fly fish hooks I picked up at Beverly's.

$2 pick up from goodwill and a burlap bow to dress it up

Pirate themed bedroom. Hand painted wall letters designs by Nikki. Who says a little boys room can't be "cute!"

Compliments of Danielle & Amanda


Great decor for a rustic front family living room. So my husband loves to hunt and stuffed 2 birds the small one that's on that shelf and a huge goose that hangs above out family dinning table. Lets just say I told him we could hang it as long as I get to decide the decor. I promised him no pink bows. So rustic outdoorsey it is. Compliments of Danielle & Amanda

When in doubt add some rustic shutters.

Stained and nailed together for perfection. "We compromised!"

"Families are Forever"

Done in cozy cottage scuffed and stained with chocolate vinyl. Pinned with burlap

Compliments of Danielle & Amanda


Perfect gift for the fall season...

Something you can leave up year round "Bless this food"

Painted black with white vinyl and scuffed for that vintage

Compliments of Amanda & Danielle


I fell in love with stripes and thought, how can I make a fun casual statement in my living room. Curtian rods made out of PVC pipe for less than $2 at Home Depot and then the knobs you can find back in the curtian section along with the wall mounts.

For less than $15 for the mounts & knobs. Pick up some glossy spray your choice of color.

My curtians are painted more for decoration. They are not washable unless you use fabric paint... I used regular paint do to variety color color selection.

Compliments of Danielle & Amanda


Cozy coupe $10 on Craigslist. Spray with a gray primer then a black gloss. Online you can print a batman logo cut out and use it as a stencil for the car. Spray with yellow.touch up with left over black.

My little man loves it.

Compliments of Danielle


We are twins that have always loved decorating, crafting, and spending time with each other. What better way to share a hobby with your best friend. We love finding bargin deals and making them into our own. Whether it be furniture from a garage sale or something we tried to create. Which led us to our blog, "Twin Treasures." Double the pleasure, double the fun!! We will show you fun and easy ways to transform your homes on a budget an prove to your husbands that we can handle the honey do list of hanging things! We hope to inspire you to get creative and well if not, we can make it for you!!

Meet The Jorgensen's...

I married my sweetheart April 24, 2010 in the SanDiego temple.We were blessed August 13, 2012 with our little man, Layne. I wouldn't change my life for the world. My husband is a project engineer for Grimmway Farms. I work as a Dental Hygienist and the most rewarding job as a mom. I am so grateful to have such a hard working husband and love my prefect little family!

Meet the Tramels...

My husband & I were married June 23, 2007. We have a beautiful little girl, Brooklyn & a handsome little guy, Vincent. The years just keep flying by so I've learned to treasure these precious moments & enjoy the little things in life!! While my husband works hard to pay the bills. I find other was to contribute to our family. I have the opportunity to stay home with my loves. I'm blessed and wouldn't trade it for the world.